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This website was published on the feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, January 25, 2019.


We are grateful for the support we receive from the Most Reverend Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv.,

and for the continued guidance and support of our Diocesan Administrator and Auxiliary Bishop, Most Rev. Joel M. Konzen, SM, and our Auxiliary Bishop, Most Rev. Bernard E. Shlesinger, III.


An introductory video explaining how to use this website 

The Archdiocese of Atlanta seeks to fulfill the great commission of evangelization that Jesus gave us:


“Go and make disciples of all nations”

                                                               Matthew 28:18



The Office of Evangelization and Discipleship (OED) is a diocesan office that serves and supports pastors and ministry leaders in the mission of evangelizing, catechizing, and pastorally accompanying the whole community—with special attention to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to cultivating paths of discipleship for the renewal of parish and family life.  OED seeks to build relationships with leaders who serve parish, campus and family life and to advance a culture of prayer, teamwork, and discipleship.


This website is a resource for evangelization efforts and strategies.  It uses the agricultural process to illustrate the process of cultivating disciples.  Our intention is to be a source of inspiration and reflection for individuals, families and parishes to go out into the world and preach the good news and to make disciples of all nations!



This website is based on a variety of resources that include Catholic magisterial documents concerning evangelization and catechesis, the Archdiocese of Atlanta Pastoral Plan, Divine Renovation (Mallon, 2014), Amazing Parish, Forming Intentional Disciples (Weddell, 2012), Developing Disciples for Christ (Stanz, 2017), Discipleship Road Map (FOCUS), and the Evangelization Roadmap (Dejka).   Our research also comprises best practices on evangelization and discipleship around the country and abroad. 


For more information on how to use this website, these resources, and to help you enhance the path of discipleship in and through your parish, please contact:

Monica Oppermann  404-920-7632

The Roadmap
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