Sow the Seed
“In the language of the Gospel, the seed is the symbol of the Word of God. As the humble seed grows in the earth, so too does the Word by the power of God work in the hearts of those who listen to it.”
- Pope Francis, Angelus, June 14, 2015

How could we, as individuals or as a parish community, sow the Word of God in our hearts and in the hearts of those souls that God has entrusted to our care? Archbishop Gregory is calling the Church of Atlanta to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, to proclaim that God knows us intimately, loves us dearly, and challenges us to know Him intimately (Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan).
Our Popes have challenged us to embark upon the New Evangelization, to proclaim the Good News not only to those that have not heard them, but intentionally to those that have already been baptized, to those that are in our pews, and to those in our communities that have not met Christ. When we meet the person of Christ, He invites us to a relationship with Him, to live the depth of God the Father’s love for us, to live as His disciples. The Good News is that
Jesus’ love is for you … and for everyone (Pastoral Plan).