The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) developed a tool that identifies a sequence of stages in the disciple’s journey, to be used as a road map for personal growth or to help others in their own journey.
Every disciple who has made the intentional decision to follow Christ is called to continual growth. In this way, discipleship can be envisioned as a series of stages--a journey--that one progresses through. Neither every journey nor every stage looks the same for everyone. What we call the "stages of discipleship" here is an example of possible moments on the journey. The ultimate goal of evangelization is that the disciple is continually open to receiving God’s grace to form disciple makers and spiritual multipliers, through a rich interior life, an authentic witness of faith, hope, and charity, and continuous conversion. Evangelization is not advertising, where it is enough to show products with convincing arguments; it is a testimony that springs from the heart and is manifested through one's life.

Beginning Disciple
Has had a change of attitude towards Jesus Christ and the Church He established, a change of attitude towards sin, has made a verbal profession of commitment to Jesus Christ to others, has a desire to grow spiritually, and has received the sacraments of initiation or has gone to Confession if they are already a Catholic.

Growing Disciple
Has developed a heart for God that motivates his/her attitudes and actions, is willing to make sacrifices to grow, is committed to continue growing in the basic habits of the Christian life, including but not limited to: seeking interior growth through daily prayer with Scripture and spiritual reading, growing in sanctification by receiving the sacraments, building character through the Beatitudes and virtues, practicing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and an openness to the Holy Spirit.

Commissioned Disciple
Has decided to personally answer the call to take part in the mission of the Church, and
is actively striving to spread the Gospel message.

Disciple Maker
Has led someone to commit his/her lifeto Jesus Christ and His mission and is helping them engage in the work of evangelization, has developed a heart for God’s people and is willing to make sacrifices to help another grow, and makes life decisions based upon how he/she can most effectively fulfill the Great Commission.

Spiritual Multiplier
Has been the major influence in helping others become disciple makers (has produced a strong third generation – 2 Timothy 2:2). Has been trained and equipped to go to another location and remain active in lifelong Catholic mission in which this process is repeated.
Participates regularly in personal prayer and sacramental life of the Church; fulfills Vocational commitments; leads a life of evangelization and discipleship through small groups; lives an influential life of faith in the parish, community, and workplace.